This article is going to be the first of a number of manga lessons that will guide you through the strategy of how to sketch manga.
Even if you have never really been inclined in manga instructions, don�t be so quick to write off these articles.
You�ll be astound at just how much manga drawings apply to figure Sketching and how much it make the most of human anatomy. Just give these manga articles a chance, and I promise you will be astonish at how much you�ll find out and how much your Drawing skills will improve.
An Introduction To How To illustrate Manga
To begin this manga articles set, I�d like to give a brief introduction to this art form of Illustrating manga.
Manga was started from Japan. It is the static (comic book) cousin of anime, the animated version of manga.
The word �manga� literally translate to �bizzar pictures.� These �quirky pictures� makes for a exceptional story telling application.
Since it�s growth, manga art has grown into a universal phenomenon, and it is particularly renown in the west.
Part of the reason manga art has become so popular among artists, even old-fashioned figure Sketching artists, is that it enables for spectacular creative expressions. It�s wild and quirky style also makes for some stunning art works.
It�sinfluences are felt in hit movies like Hayao Miyazaki�s Spirited Away (2001) and even in films based on Frank Miller�s work (the renound author of �300� and �Sin City�)
I hope that introduction has made you excited about learning how to draw manga and looking forward to the upcoming manga tutorials. Here�s the quick over view of the next articles:
Overview Of The next Manga instructions
Article 1: Drawing Manga (Creating your manga poses and figures)
Lesson 2: How To draw A Manga (Here you�ll learn how to fill in your manga figure and give it shape and definition.)
Lesson 2: How To sketch Manga People (Here you�ll learn how to create action poses and make your manga Drawing alive and exciting!)
Tutorial 3: How To draw Manga Faces (You�ll learn how to draw excellent looking faces in the style of manga art)
Article 4: How To illustrate Manga Step By Step (You�ll learn to draw your first full manga character, step-by-step)
If you would like to learn about drawing manga right now, here a spectacular post that you might want to check out: drawing manga. Also, here is awesome drawing site that I found: drawing web site.